Do you need facial injectables?
Clients with fine lines at rest, deficient tissue volume in the lips, hyperactive muscles, excessive facial tension or facial asymmetries may benefit from treatment with muscle relaxant or dermal filler injections.
Typical facial injectables treatment journey
3 appointments
1. Consultation
The Smile On Mona Vale Team will will discuss your smile goals while educating and informing you of the necessary preparations and requirements that different treatments carry.
2. Administer injectables
Treatment will be administered via several injections across the facial region and you may also be given dental anaesthetics, which will cause numbness of parts of your face for several hours, before wearing off completely.
3. Review (2 weeks later)
Additional treatment may be required to fully address your areas of concern and this will be reviewed and administered at your follow up appointment, 2 weeks after your treatment.
Tailored Teeth are dedicated to providing only the highest quality treatments. This includes replicating body tissues as accurately as possible, including their natural turnover. Many people believe the longer lasting the results, the better the treatment however at Tailored Teeth, we find that products that last significantly longer than the tissue around them are often highly unnatural, generally less safe and produce a fake, ‘rubbery’ look.